
Nihonto Club Germany 2024/10

Neuwied, October 12th 2024, Nihonto Club Deutschland

On Saturday, October 12th , 2024, the “Nihonto Club Deutschland” held its last meeting of the year in Neuwied.

Unfortunately, many members were unable to attend the meeting, so only 7 members and one guest were present. However, these members presented an amazing variety of nihonto of exceptional quality from different schools and masters across different eras.

Because only a few members were present, there was more than enough time to look at the blades and study them carefully.

Ready for kantei

The following nihonto were exhibited:

Kantei #1

  1. Katana Gassan Sadakazu
  2. Katana Kunisada (Father of Inoue Shinkai)
  3. Wakizashi Sendai Kunikane (2nd Generation)
  4. Wakizashi “Omi No Kami Fujiwara Tsuguhiro” (1. Generation), pupil of Yasutsugu (3. Generation)
  5. Wakizashi “Omi No Kami Fujiwara Tsuguhiro” (2. Generation), in a completely different appearance in the work and signature as #4
  6. Tanto mumei, attributed so Sanjo Munechika (Shin Shinto) by the NBHTK

Nihonto exhibition

Kantei #2

  1. Katana mumei, Yamato Hosho from early Kamakura
  2. Katana mumei, Ko-Uda
  3. Wakizashi Sukenao
  4. Wakizashi Kuniyasu (3rd Son of Kuniske)

Even if the Nihonto Club Germany has a strong focus on the blades itself, a few tsuba from the collection of the famous collector Kokobu Kenichi where shown.

After an exciting and wonderful day, the meeting ended with a good dinner together.

If you are interested in visiting the Nihonto Club Germany, please feel free to contact me.